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Public·62 IHU Guests

Sylvia Jones
Students that have exhibited a STELLAR work ethic. So very PROUD of you, KEEP GOING!Stellar Student
Well Done on Attending the GJ on February 15th you are a SUPERIOR GRATITUDER.GJ February 15th

February 11, Week 5

I am committed to no longer relying on others to take care of me or my mental well-being. Why is it so challenging to learn to love myself? I've constantly given pieces of myself away unnecessarily, leaving me depleted of beauty and self-worth. I refuse to treat myself unkindly any longer; I will embrace self-love unconditionally. Watching an inspirational video served as a powerful reminder to love myself and others as I wish to be treated. It's okay to dance as if nobody's watching, explore new destinations, and prioritize my health because my well-being impacts my family's. In prayer, I seek forgiveness and express gratitude to God, recognizing that without Him, I wouldn't have come this far. My burdens once seemed overwhelming, but I trust that God has a plan for me, which I must learn to discern.

I release worries about the future and things…

Olivia W.W.
Olivia W.W.
Feb 13

I see you Queen Sylvia & you are worthy of every good thing God has planned for you! Your post is encouraging, thank you for sharing 💜

Janet Rivers-Richardson
GJ Extra Credit 2/8
Well Done on Attending the GJ on February 15th you are a SUPERIOR GRATITUDER.GJ February 15th

Hi Everyone! I am feeling so grateful. This IHU journey has been incredible and we're only 5 weeks in, headed to week 6. Thank you for always caring and sharing unconditionally. Prayer is the key to an amazing opportunities for freedom. We're on our way for sure. Peace has been my portion this week.🌹❤️🌹

Olivia W.W.
Olivia W.W.
Feb 12

*High 5s HopeMates 💜

Sandie White
GJ Extra Credit 2/8
You are a TRUE STAR, not everyone made it to this point. Congratulations!Excellent 4th Week

Happy Friday Hopemates! Living life in the moment brings about peace. Thankful for the IHU electives.

Sylvia Jones
Students that have exhibited a STELLAR work ethic. So very PROUD of you, KEEP GOING!Stellar Student
Well Done on Attending the GJ on February 15th you are a SUPERIOR GRATITUDER.GJ February 15th

Good evening. I don't see the gratitude journay on Facebook or YouTube but I'm here waiting patiently.

Pastor Ylawnda sent a notification. Please go IHU and private discussion board. No, Gratitude Journey tonight. We still need to respond "present." Let me know if you don't see it.


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IHU Guests

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